Can I Bring My Own Approach?

Here at 2Time Labs we have come up with 2 innovations that we offer to time clutter consultants.

One is the 8 Phase method that describes the distinct steps taken to deliver time clutter consulting. It’s described in this blog in some detail given our commitment to serve the needs of time clutter coaches this year.

Our other innovation is a specific framework built using Time Management 2.0 principles. It describes the flow of time demands through one’s life. In our individual time management training, it provides each person with the 7 inescapable fundamentals of time management, showing all the possible ways in which a time demand can be disposed of once it enters a person’s life. These are comprised of Capturing, Emptying, Tossing, Acting Now, Storing, Scheduling and Listing. There are also 4 Advanced Fundamentals: Interrupting, Switching, Warning and Reviewing

We are sometimes asked the question: “can someone be an effective time management consultant without using this second innovation, because I have my own approach?” The short answer? Absolutely.

It’s entirely possible to learn and enhance what you do from the way we deliver our training, simply using the same principles, and come up with your own set of practices, forms and measurements. While we reserve our detailed forms for paying customers who are committed to learning how to upgrade their time management skills, there’s a lot that we can pass on on how to help your clients use your approach as effectively as possible.

Here’s what you need to take into account:

1. The vast majority of professionals made up their own time management system as teens or young adults. Some parts work, and some parts don’t. Each person’s system is different, so you need a way to diagnose them individually.

2. The process of diagnosis needs to be simple enough for them to learn how to do it once, and again when their lives change.

3. Most people fail to implement lots of new habits and practices all at once. Your approach must help them take small steps.

4. You must focus on behaviors that are observable, rather than attitudes, value, energy, moods et al which are not.

5. Build a competency matrix based on the behaviours you have identifed. Here are a couple of examples that show a ladder of skills in different, distinct areas.






























6. Use the ladder of skills in your discussion with clients as a rating tool, and a way to focus on the gaps in behavior that are needed to move to the next level.

This is the way that we use to break down a complex skill (time management) into component parts that helps the client to focus on one or two habits at any moment in time, and therefore avoid the problem that most trainees have of trying to implement too much all at once. Using your own ladder of behaviors, it’s not too hard to achieve this goal.